Private equity funds, national service companies, and nonprofits choose Well Advised to deliver outsourced legal services on an as-needed basis. 

Hiring staff lawyers and retaining traditional law firms can be a very expensive process. Our attorneys and legal support staff perform the same services at a fraction of the cost, efficiently, and with our clients’ needs at the forefront. 

What’s our “recipe” for success? 

We have decades of in-house legal practice experience, including C-Suite as GC, across a variety of service and technology companies covering matters like employee relations, HR consulting, contracts, risk management and transaction support.


Attorneys occupy a special place in our country – after all, the U.S was at its founding and is today a “government of laws, and not of men.” (John Adams, Novanglus Essays, No. 7). The love or hate of lawyers can sometimes depend on which side of the “v” one is on; however, Well Advised’s small business attorneys take very seriously our responsibility to look for ways to reduce legal expenses and achieve favorable results.


A “consiglieri”, or advisor that can provide guidance on issues affecting the business without advocacy can be the best legal asset - and at Well Advised, our business lawyers are trusted advisors, helping clients be confident making business decisions that are informed by legal guidance … Even if the path ultimately taken is different than the one we may have identified. After all, it’s your business, you call the shots.